Copyscape group buy
If you are a professional content creator, or in charge of a team that specializes in SEO article writing jobs, you probably want a lot of people visiting your website to post your articles, read your content, and even buy. products or services featured in the article.
Do you need to use Copyscape to write articles online?
The easiest way to achieve the above goals is to find out what topics potential customers or interested readers are searching for on Google and create content around these topics.

But even as you perfect your content, there are still factors that influence Google’s evaluation of the content you’ve just created. In particular, the act of plagiarism (copy) is a factor that is always heavily downgraded by Google.
Therefore, to write effective online articles, you cannot help but use plagiarism checkers. Which good tool of good is Copyscape.
In this article, I will share my experience and compare and guide how to use Copyscape accounts effectively.
What is Copyscape?
Copyscape group buy is the leading online plagiarism checker service today, allowing you to easily identify websites that have copied and quoted your content without asking permission.
How to use Copyscape online account
Copyscape offers part of its service for free. The user interface on Copyscape is very easy to use. Just enter the address of your website in the check box, press the GO button and Copyscape automatically searches for duplicate content with the content on your site, returning search results (if any) with the snippets. Duplicate text is highlight.
Copyscape limits the number of plagiarism checks to a free Copyscape account.
Copyscape’s plagiarism detector is built on a huge IT system and is quite expensive to operate. So plagiarism check results in the free service are limited. But if you sign up for a Copyscape Premium account, you get more plagiarism check results and an unlimited number of checks. With Copyscape Premium you can also spot competitors using your content. me.

Use offline (offline)
The Copyscape Premium service allows you to check for duplicate content even when you are not connecte to the internet. So writing your articles online will be more convenient, no matter where you are working.
Of course, Copyscape group buy Premium allows you to easily check for duplicate content even if it’s just a “copy” of part of the text from your site.
How to check for duplicate content
For large websites with up to 25,000 pages of content, you can use Siteliner service – Copyscape’s new web analytics tool. For even larger sites, you can use the private index feature of your Copyscape Premium account.
What languages does Copyscape work with?
Copyscape group buy can handle web pages written in all languages of the world, except those that use ideograms such as Chinese kanji, Japanese kanji, and Korean hanja.
Tell Copyscape to ignore the test content
You can set Copyscape not to check the content of certain sections of your site, by adding <!–copyscapeskip–> at the beginning and <!–/copyscapeskip–> at the end of the sections you want to exclude. .
Copyscape premium account
Copyscape Premium provides a powerful plagiarism checker, a very effective online writing tool with Batch Search – dedicated to offline content checking, group management tools, API support to track and manage your responses to cases of plagiarism.
Cost of using Copyscape Premium
The cost of finding duplicate content of the first 200 words is about 696VND and increases by 232VND for every 100 additional words. You can pay by credit card or PayPal.
Really expensive Copyscape. But from my experience, it’s expensive. For those in charge of the online writing team, it only takes about 2 minutes to check if over 100 articles have been copie or not. Test speed and accuracy are two things that no Copyscape competitor has been able to overcome at this time (May 2020).
Check the entire website content
Using Copyscape Premium’s Batch Search, you can easily check up to 10,000 pages with a single tap.
Query Copyscape Premium API
Using Copyscape’s Premium API. You can automatically query the Copyscape service and get the results returned in XML format.
Manage multiple linked accounts
Copyscape Premium accounts can be linked. This link allows one Copyscape Premium user to pay and track searches performed by one or more other users.
To link to an account, select ‘Linked Accounts’ from the ‘My Account’ menu. Enter your username and select ‘Request Link’. The link must be approve by another user. And that user can remove the link at any time.
Copysentry provides automatic protection for your entire website. By regularly monitoring other sites on the internet looking for copies of your content and sending you emails.