What is Poweradspy Group buy ?
With Poweradspy group buy the tool can allow you to search by keyword, exact profile page or even by domain name to find many content articles that the page for you to try will be active ads. Poweradspy also helps find keywords in the comments of consumers that currently SPY tools are limited. The website can also be classified and arranged the content of marketing communication articles in the first order, running the longest ads, maximum likes – comments – views, … or even searching for many articles. written at a time when the enemy runs ads.

Benefits of Poweradspy
A very attractive feature of Poweradspy is Fillter Mode, you can find One of the call-to-action buttons that your opponent has specified in a post like “Contact_US” or “Apply Now”,… or Fillter post content. Write by brand – video clip, gender – age, even divided according to the form in which your enemies run ads. and countless other profound functions.
Besides researching marketing communication articles at Facebook Poweradspy, you can also search for ads on google, youtube or instagram channel.
Poweradspy’s weakness is similar to buzzsumo, is that you will have to pay a monthly fee after the last 7 free searches.
Why Use Poweradspy to study enemy Facebook ads?
Facebook advertising is very competitive these days, you will have to see with quite a few enemies who want to copy your family’s marketing plan. To outmaneuver many of your enemies, you need to stay ahead of us with Facebook’s search engine.

To some extent, we can do our own research at the Facebook channel to know about our marketing competitors. So, what appears to be a more methodical and compact way of doing competitor research? sure there are
Because of the transparency of the ads
You can also detect ads in a similar way to the family on the Facebook channel. However, you must also have good skills in using news tools and ads.
If you are looking for the world’s largest social media marketing database, then PowerAdSpy is the right tool for you. It is confirmed as the smartest and most perfect marketing communication tool created by DigitalMarketer. Based on niche, keywords and target address, we can also easily find competitor’s marketing communication on Facebook channel.
It contains over 5 million marketing communications from 15 countries as wide as this list but is still growing.
Using this tool, you can also easily track the activities of your promoters on the Facebook channel.
Simply using this tool well will give you a huge advantage in advertising Outsourcing jobs.
Of course, if you haven’t done it, your family’s enemies will spy on you.
Get started with PowerAdSpy
Please visit the homepage of PowerAdSpy by clicking the button below
After clicking on the live link, please follow the instructions below to use 10 days for free.
So what ATP Academy introduced to readers about Poweradspy? A detailed guide to researching ad competitors Poweradspy 2020